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My Color After All

Aug 03, 2010

Yesterday, an anonymous person posted a comment that resonated with me in a very real way. While our discussion centered around the transformations God is making in our lives, she said that she has trouble with change and is hesitant to let go. There are things that she likes just the way they are. The comfort of the familiar is soothing and she’d almost rather hang on to them even when they aren’t the best for her.

When I read her words, I could almost see my own hand typing on her keyboard. I, too, am a bit adverse to change. I love the familiar habits, patterns and behaviors that create the fabric that weaves together a safety net of security. When God wants to take me to new places, I want to go. . . I really do. . . but giving up what I’m required to, to get there – well, that’s another story.Seems like He’s trying to teach me to loosen my grip a bit – even in the most practical of ways. For instance, last week I purchased a couple very cute jackets that were on sale at a bargain basement type place. They fit great, I loved the colors and I could see how they’d work with other things I already had in my closet. I was excited about my purchase but when I got home and showed them to a friend of mine who has an eye for style and a flair for fashion, she promptly told me to take them back to the store. Her reasoning – “Priscilla, they look exactly like everything else you already have in your closet. It’s not that they aren’t nice, but if you want to add dimension to your wardrobe you’re going to have to stop buying the same things over and over again”. I’d have been mad at her had I not invited her opinion.

You see, a while back I asked her to give me advice on my closet and, as good friends do, she’s never failed to be honest. And, I trust her. She’s got an excellent “eye” and I know that she is only trying to help. So, I tried hard to remember the skill I’ve always admired when she showed me this:

Now, I don’t know if you can tell or not, but this jacket is orange – O.R.A.N.G.E! I’ve got nothing of the sort in my closet nor have I ever intended to. This might be your color and if it is I’m certain it looks amazing on you. But other than on YOU or a certain breakfast juice or a round tough-skinned fruit, I’m just not into it. It could very well be my color but I have no idea about that. All I know is that I’m just not drawn to anything of the sort when I walk into a clothing store. So, when I saw it my first inclination was to ignore her suggestion. But then I remembered that this girl knows what she’s doing. Just because it’s outside of my comfort zone doesn’t mean it won’t work for me. In fact, it might be for that very reason that it will work for me. And isn’t this why I enlisted her help – to get out of a clothing rut and look the best I can?So, I just might be adding some orange to my closet after all. It will stretch me but it will also give me a splash of color and a new wardrobe dimension that I’d otherwise not have. Without this change, it’d be the same color scheme over and over again.It’s what change always does – not just in our closets but in our lives. It’s stretches us, makes us uncomfortable and causes us to lift our eyebrow in concern. For goodness sake, we’d never choose a color like this. But maybe, just maybe, God wants you and me out of that lack luster rut and is giving us a chance to add a splash of color in an otherwise mundane existence. So we balk against it until we remember – His skill, His love for us and His desire to see us look our best. And on top of all that – the fact that we invited Him in to begin with.So, friend, settle into it. Take the risk. Put on what He’s offering.

You just might realize . . . it’s your color after all.