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The View from Here

Priscilla | Nov 22, 2009


I woke up this morning to a different view.You see, for the past week I’ve had a glorious vacation. Jerry and I celebrated our 10th anniversary by taking a trip with a few friends. Our room was right on the beach. The comfy bed, in the spacious accommodations, faced a wall of floor-to-ceiling windows that showcased an explosion of beauty each day. Early in the morning, the sun rose over the clear greenish-blue waters of the ocean.  Each evening, I’d stare out of those windows and watch the sun kiss the day goodbye as it left orange footprints dancing on the still waters. As far as I could see, the ocean spanned out for miles around, spotted only with coral and the occasional passing boat. For five days and nights I took in the grandeur of this breathtaking view, breathed in the sweet ocean air and rested in the peaceful serenity. This was something to behold; a view hard to beat.

I got back home last night. It was a long day of travel and we were exhausted upon arrival.  We dragged ourselves into the house, pulling our carry on luggage, and tumbled into bed. When I awoke this morning, it took me a moment to get my bearings. I rolled over in bed and for just a quick second expected to see the rolling waves of the ocean, the white sandy beaches overrun with seashells and tiny hermit crabs. When I opened my eyes, I was looking for those floor-to-ceiling windows that had given me the view of lifetime for the past few days. But my eyes fell upon a different view.It’s the view from here.

My undressed bedroom windows; streamlined, boxy and without the architectural detail of the room I’d been in, they didn’t look out on the majesty of the roaring waters of the Caribbean Sea. I opened my eyes and took in a view of trees and fallen leaves.A backyard of unkempt landscaping and scattered toys.A swingset filled with cobwebs, surrounded by branches that need to be picked up.

Is that the cup my son was drinking out of last week under the slide?Ahhh. Now it’s all coming into focus. I’m home, and this view reminds me of that for sure. And that’s when it happened.A smile surprised me. It crept its way from my heart to the corners of my lips. My soul felt warm and at peace. My shoulders relaxed and I felt joy rising. I’m home, and this is the view that reminds me that my family is here. That there are memories we’ve made and more yet to be created.The ocean is beautiful, but the view from here is where my heart is. This is home. This is the most beautiful view of all.

Dying to know what’s beautiful in your life today,
