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Create With Us

Feb 16, 2022

Have you set goals for this year? Setting goals is an effective way to improve your growth mindset, to be more proactive, and to develop a greater self-discipline. And although you may not be fully aware of your goals at this time, there are resourceful strategies to help you narrow them down . . . […]

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Equipped for the New Year

Shannon | Jan 11, 2022

It’s a new year, and with every new year comes fresh insights and perspectives. As time passes and seasons change, we’re gifted with the opportunity to develop a greater sense of purpose and understanding of who we are in Christ and how He has called us to spend our time here. So many of us […]

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Merry Christmas With Lots of Love!

The Going Beyond Team | Dec 17, 2021

This holiday season is a time of celebration and giving, and we give because Christ first gave to us. In giving, we’re reminded of the blessing of His birth and the gift of His immeasurable love and sacrifice. Christ came to rescue and restore, and this Christmas, our prayer for you is that the Lord […]

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Q & A with Priscilla Shirer

Dec 15, 2021

It’s been almost two years since we first began our Spotlight Blog Series, a series designed to introduce you to purpose-driven individuals that are fulfilling their God-given destinies in all facets of life! Today, we’re ending our series with a very special and familiar guest, and my personal favorite, Priscilla!  She is a wife, mother, Bible […]

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A Thanksgiving Message (and Updates)!

Nov 23, 2021

A FEW IMPORTANT THINGS WE WANT YOU TO KNOW WHAT ARE WE THANKFUL FOR?  You. The privilege we have to serve you! We cherish the community that we have here with you. It’s a relationship we don’t take for granted. Him. Above all earthly blessings and above all joy, we give God thanks! OUR OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED on Thursday, […]

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Nov 18, 2021

There is a word that brings our ministry so much joy: AWAKEN! Our team loves every aspect of planning and executing AWAKEN gatherings, and we pray that each event is just as much of a blessing for our sisters as it is for us! The evening is well-thought-out from start to finish with one goal in mind – to join […]

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Q & A with Charity Lewis

Sep 22, 2021

Charity Lewis is joining us on our Spotlight Blog Series today! She is a multi-faceted wife, mom of two, advocate for autism awareness, labor and delivery nurse, fashion stylist, and clothing designer.  Yes! She is all those things! Her varied interests and passions are what make her such a fascinating person! I’ve had the joy of watching […]

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Q & A with Marshawn Evans Daniels

Aug 11, 2021

Do you ever wonder if you’re limiting yourself? Do you feel as if you are getting in the way of what God is doing? Marshawn Evans Daniels is the kind of woman who can help you explore how to boldly go where God is leading you. First off, let me tell you that I met […]

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Q & A with Dani and Dannah Lane

Jul 14, 2021

Sweet, sassy, and full of hilarity. That’s how I would describe Dani and Dannah Lane. These sisters were only five and six years old when they became viral sensations thanks to their YouTube video, “Call Jesus” back in 2017. Their mother, Dannella, has been instrumental in teaching them about Christ and guiding their blooming careers […]

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Q & A with Ryan and Nikki Edgar

Jun 16, 2021

I’ve admired Ryan and Nikki Edgar for many years – even before they were on America’s Got Talent (*wink)! Their love for each other, their children, the Lord and music is refreshing. Listening to them sing is like a dessert buffet for the ears – rich, sweet and enticing. Ryan and Nikki love investing in […]

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