Have you set goals for this year?
Setting goals is an effective way to improve your growth mindset, to be more proactive, and to develop a greater self-discipline. And although you may not be fully aware of your goals at this time, there are resourceful strategies to help you narrow them down . . . like creating a vision board.
It’s a fun concept! You design a board displaying your hopes and interests in the form of pictures or quotes, most often magazine cutouts, and then situate the board in a place you regularly pass by so that you will constantly be reminded of what you’re hoping to achieve. Your board will help you stay the course and remain disciplined throughout the week as you make the small steps towards reaching those goals.

Our new Going Beyond team member, Katie (everyone say hi!), joined me in making vision boards this year to realize our goals and jumpstart our journey towards reaching them. Mine turned out to be more of a collage about my faith, which has significant meaning, but fails to meet the criteria. I’m now in the process of pinning pages from miscellaneous brochures to a 20” x 30” cork board because this may be a more effective strategy for me in the long run.

Katie is in the process of completing a board to fit an 11” x 14” frame, much unlike 2019 when she created a vision board scrapbook, including several pages of pictures, quotes, and words covering categories such as relationships, career, spiritual life, health, and home. She glued her magazine cutouts to cardstock paper and slid each paper into an album cover.
Flipping through the album, we were encouraged to learn that a handful of her pages had materialized. Katie’s now settled into a church home that she loves, and she’s experienced an exciting career change. She’s a member of our team now, and we’re glad to have her!
Friends, we want to redirect this encouragement to you today! It’s time to gather all your magazines, brochures, flyers, hand-crafted art pieces, whatever you have, and take the first step in outlining a visual masterpiece that will inspire you to keep achieving.
Ask the Lord to empower you by His Spirit to have the patience and discipline to stick with your goals throughout the year.
It’s go time!