Hi Friends!
It’s our favorite season at Going Beyond Ministries. The weather is perfect for opening the garage door at our office and letting the breeze filter through the screen. Katie and I don’t need an official date on the calendar to estimate Spring’s arrival. We can detect it by how rapidly the weather conditions change out here in the country where our office is located. There is a sudden transition from a still, dismal atmosphere to one of vibrance and song. A wildlife chorus oscillates through the trees. The acres of grassy fields that encircle us green up. Newly blooming tulips near the bridge come alive and search for light.
Spring reawakens nature and produces the same response in us. Our moods improve, and the warmer temperatures allow us to spend more time going on walks.
For me, walking is liberating. It’s a time to step outside and clear any uneasiness on my mind. I inhale fresh air and deeply exhale, and my concerns drift away. Nature has a way of putting things into perspective. I’m often reminded of its many parallels to our daily lives. Storms were raging just the other night, a tornado in near proximity, yet on my walk the following morning, I was welcomed by a dazzling display of nature’s beauty. There was a calm on the other side of the storm and a peacefulness that soothed my soul.

For Katie . . . “there are times when going for a walk is absolutely necessary. Sometimes I just need to clear my head, so I’ll put in some earbuds, play some worship music, go for a long walk and talk to God. There’s something about being out in nature (and off my phone) that helps me refocus and hear from the Lord. I feel more aware of His presence when I am out among His creation. Other times I take a friend and we jog a little and walk a little. It’s a great time to have intentional conversations and naturally, we push each other to run a little longer or farther than we think we can!”
For Priscilla . . . “walking is one of the simple pleasures of life that I most enjoy. The surrounding of nature awakens something in me that is both physically necessary and spiritually uplifting. My body is healthier when I include walking in my schedule. A brisk pace keeps my blood pumping, lung capacity stretched, and muscles strengthened. It burns a ton of calories which is incredibly helpful too. Beyond that, the moments I spend walking outdoors provide a fantastic opportunity for me to spend time with the Lord – talking to Him and allowing Him to talk to me. The worship music playlist streaming through my earbuds provides a springboard for my thanksgiving and gratitude to Him for who He is and what He has done for me. Often, I’ll break my walk up into two parts – one earlier in the day and the other in the evening – which provides me two opportunities to clear my mind and heart of the concerns and anxieties of the day and offer them to the Father.”
Each of us values walking for our own unique reasons. It’s our personal journey to a happier, healthier, and holier us.
Think about how many people across the world wish that they could take advantage of the simple joy of walking but for whatever reason they cannot. What a privilege to move our bodies. May we never take the natural function of putting one-foot-in-front-of-the-other for granted.
If you haven’t already, start the habit of walking. Why not start today?
May it be a blessing to you!