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Falling In Love With Fall Fashions

Oct 26, 2011

Have y’all ever been so fixated on an item of clothing that you could not think about anything else?! I mean, you literally think about the item all the time and the only thing standing in the way of you getting the item that is perfectly suited just for you is………..the stinking price! Ha!

That is the story of my life! Right now I have a couple of items that I am literally stalking and I want y’all to help me decide if the items are worth it OR should I walk away and stop torturing myself! So, here we go…..

Item #1    Keep stalking or Walk Away?

Item #2  Keep stalking or Walk Away? Everybody needs a black leather jacket right??? It’s a classic!

Item #3 Keep Stalking or Walk Away?

Let me know what y’all think and also if there are any fall fashions that have totally captivated you! Happy Thursday!!!