Have you ever heard of a Gratitude Jar? It’s a special jar that holds slips of paper with statements of gratitude. The idea is to write down something you are grateful for and place it in the jar for safekeeping. It serves as a reminder of all that God has done and is doing in your life.

2020 has been a very heavy and unexpected year. You may be struggling with stress, anxiety, depression, heartbreak, or grief. Getting up in the morning may be more difficult than it usually is. Finding the energy to keep going may seem impossible.
We know this year has been weary for many, and we’re deeply praying for you, resting assured that God will give you peace as you navigate this difficult season. We want to encourage you to look for the little things He is doing to bless you, to remind you that He will never leave you or forsake you (Deuteronomy 31:6). He is right there with you, and He’s been there the entire time.
Thanksgiving is only a week away, so what better time to focus our attention on gratitude! The Bible calls us to give thanks to God with all of our heart and tell of His wonderful deeds (Psalm 9:1). Will you join us in giving thanks? What are you grateful for this season?
It will be encouraging to hear how the Lord is blessing you! Likewise, it may bless you to share with others.
We hope you stay safe this holiday season!
– The Going Beyond Team