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Good Friday

Apr 01, 2010

I was doing a little research on Good Friday because I am so intrigued lately on the holidays we celebrate . . . where they actually originated, how certain traditions came about, etc.

So as I did a search in Google, the first thing that pops up when I typed in Good Friday was the Wikipedia definition. Check this out….

Good Friday, also known as Holy FridayGreat Friday, is a holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, his death at Calvary, and his Resurrection from the grave [he is risen]. The holiday is observed during Holy Week as part of thePaschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and often coincides with the Jewish observance of Passover

There’s such a little gem in that Wikipedia definition and I love it. Did you catch it?

[he is risen]

YES! Even Wikipedia can’t deny it! It’s like they’re saying, “he is risen, you know? Just in case you were wondering, HE’S ALIVE! All this talk about Jesus.. it’s real!” Can you believe this? Does this pump anyone else up besides me? I’m so glad to know that Wikipedia states the truth =)

I’ve always loved Good Friday. Even though it’s a hard day is some ways, thinking about all the things that happened to Jesus on this sacred day, I can’t help but almost burst into utter happiness because I know Sunday is coming. Oh, but just in a few days the greatest thing that ever happened occurred . . . eternal life forever, forgiveness from sins, a clean heart, a new start! Those of us who know Jesus; that’s our destiny!

[he is risen]