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He Speaks

Jan 24, 2013

I feel a little overwhelmed these past two weeks with how God has gone out of His way to speak specifically to me. There are two situations on my mind that I can’t shake and wanted to share one of them with you all. 

We have started to go through Colossians as a church, and ever since I have not been able to shake Colossians 1:9-10 from my mind. Every time I read it I just stare and gaze at the words, knowing that there is something more there for me to press into. 

…. that you might be filled with the advanced and perfect experiential knowledge of His will in the sphere of every kind of wisdom and intelligence which is spiritual, so that you may order your behavior worthy of the Lord with a view to please Him in everything…

This week I have been reading and re-reading this verse, praying it for myself and my friends, and trying to ask God why this verse in particular seems to be jumping out of the page at me. 

On Tuesday our staff got together for a brainstorming meeting and we spent some much needed time in prayer before-hand. To my surprise, as Priscilla was praying, she “randomly” prayed this very verse for me. I mean, that’s cool, isn’t it? I LOVE how God works. He speaks, in the smallest and most grandest of ways. 

Just one verse… that I’ve been brewing over and pondering… and God takes it and makes it BIG and real to my life. 

I love it. And I love Him.

I want to hear how He is speaking or has spoken to you in the past. Sometimes if we feel like He’s not speaking or we can’t “hear” what He is saying, it’s so encouraging to hear other stories to encourage us and stir our faith. 

Praying we all get a boost of encouragement and faith today!

Much much love,
