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Introducing the Prince Warrior Series!

Priscilla | Dec 15, 2015

Gina Detwiler makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy. I’m serious. It’s true.

Mostly because she’s a shining reminder that God hears my prayers and answers them in His perfect timing and in His perfect way.

Six years ago,  I started dreaming about a series for kids – particularly boys – about putting on the armor of God. The epic, fictional adventures and compelling characters swirled around in my waking conscious and even my midnight dreams. I penned story-line after story-line and fleshed out the personalities and uniqueness of each character.

But as much as I fell in love with the outlines I was seeing unfold, I knew that writing the fully fleshed out children’s series would be better left to the pen of a writer with experience in that genre. ‘Cause listen . . . I want to stay in my lane. Shucks, as much as I want the spiritual principles to shine through in this series to young minds and hearts (and they most certainly will), no nine to thirteen year old kid wants a Bible study with commentary notes and Greek word definitions.

They want adventure and whimsy and humor.

So, I prayed. For a partner.

And God gave me one . . . in Gina Detwiler.

For nearly a year now, we have worked on the first book in The Prince Warrior trilogy. It will hit bookstores in April 2016. The first sequel will follow in September. She is a brilliant writer and a joy to work with. Which is why, I thought all of you aspiring writers would enjoy advice from a woman who has honed her craft in a remarkable way.

Sit back . . . and enjoy getting to know . . . my partner, Gina D.

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