p style=”text-align: center;”img src=”http://www.goingbeyond.com/sites/default/files/blog/iStock_000002062969XSmall.jpg” alt=”prayer” class=”mceItem” height=”293″ width=”409″/p
pSeveral of you have commented that you are right in there with me when it comes to a href=”http://www.goingbeyond.com/blog/fast-i-dont-wanna” target=”_blank”fasting/a. We are convicted that it is a powerful spiritual action, but our fear of going hungry is keeping us from following through. Maybe you (like me) have done it in the past but are trying to avoid it doing it again. You find reasons to leave the room when the subject comes up. I hear ya./p
pHere is what I’d like to do: without making a huge production out of it, I’ll ask you if you’d like to join me next Tuesday morning – to simply fast breakfast. We’ll take the time that would normally go into food preparation and eating, and replace it with focused prayer and scripture reading. Is there something in particular you are seeking God about? This would be a perfect time to set aside part of a day to lay it before him./p
pOn Monday, we will post some encouragement and instruction, and in the meantime, just ask the Lord if this is the time for you to grab ahold of this discipline. Because we are doing it together, and since it is only for one meal, it is a great way to start./p
pFeel free to leave a comment, letting us know if you’d like to participate. We’ll join with you in prayer, and will believe for breakthroughs in each of our lives. That’s what sisters (and brothers) in Christ are for./p
pYou are in our prayers, Rachel/p