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Resolution Revolution Week 4

Oct 06, 2011

Well, sister, I hope you will forgive me for not being on video today. While I love to visit with you that way, I was relegated to writing as I’ve been in conferences all week and haven’t had a moment to get on the screen. 

Those videos have been spoiling us, haven’t they? Bear with me, my lovely friend and keep on reading!

Have you had good conversation and discussion with your pen pal this week on the topic covered in the third section of The Resolution For Women? Please tell me that you have because there was so much to talk about. I’m so anxious to hear your thoughts on that final section in particular – Affirmation Crusade. Did you take me up on my challenge to find a woman you can compliment this week? Is it easy for you, difficult? 

Don’t wait. Do it!

I sure do hope that you guys have been dialoguing and challenging each other about everything you’ve been reading. 

And just in case you missed our blog discussion this past Tuesday about our resolution to be authentic, please click here and chime in. Let us know what the Lord has spoken to you through what you’ve been reading – how you’ve been encouraged, challenged and possibly even changed during your journey to discover your AUTHENTIC SELF so you can live genuinely.

Prayerfully, you have signed your resolution at the end of that section and you are ready to move on to WEEK FOUR that will help you consider this resolution:

Faithfully His

I will live as a woman answerable to God and faithfully committed to His Word.

So, turn on over to page 52 in your book and start reading friend! Your journey through this section of the book will ask you to consider the divine calling that God has on your life and your level of commitment to it. This isn’t a resolution to be perfect in following after it, just to be found faithful in pursuing what God has for you – even if you have to dust yourselves off every once in a while and square your eyes again on His purpose and plan.

I also want you to pay close attention to the last chapter in this section. It is called “I’d Like A Word With You.” In this short chapter you will find a list of affirmation statements taken straight from God’s Word. The purpose of this list is for your long term use. Take it in small bits – maybe 5-6 statements at a time and use them to transform and renew your mind. And, don’t tell my publisher, but you have my permission to photo copy it, post it in different places in your home or office and use it as a constant reminder of your standing in Christ ๐Ÿ˜‰ Recite these affirmations out loud. They will transform your life.

This chapter is a gift to you from one sister to another ๐Ÿ™‚ Nothing feels better to a gift-giver than to know that the gift-recipient is using the gift given!

Ok, so as you begin this week there are two things you need to know:


1.) Make it a point to memorize our weekly Bible verse. This week our scripture is Psalm 119:10-11. Two yet simple poignant reminders of our commitment to God and His Word.

I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands. I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you.

2.) We have heard the cries of the working women who have found it hard to join our chats at 10am CST. So, we will be having our next live chat this Monday night (October 10th) at 7:30pm CST! It will be wonderful to have some real-time conversation with you about this week’s reading. Will you plan to log in and chat with me for a few minutes on that evening? I’ll have some things to share with you and would love to entertain any questions, comments. . . or snide remarks you may have ๐Ÿ˜‰

3.) Don’t forget that we have “I AM RESOLVED” Shirts available for you. They are C-U-T-E! I know you will enjoy wearing thesm. 

Love to you this week sister and I’m excited to be on this journey with you.


PS. . . . Always remember that you can email me before Monday (if there is something you want to be certain that I cover in Monday’s chat) or anytime for that matter. I’m always checking that email box to read your comments at bookclub@goingbeyond.com.