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Mar 16, 2011

Spring break in my neck of the woods. Yours too?

I’m constantly amazed
at how busy this “break” is though. I’m not sure which part about it was
supposed to feel like a break, but that pause has yet to
make an appearance on my front door. Instead, my house is full of hungry
young boys who are eating everything in the pantry and fridge. And the
days are capped on each end by car rides to and from different
activities and events. Each day seems to be chalked full of. . . stuff!

Where did this “stuff” come from? How did it find us? It didn’t seem to
be around when we were in the regular rhythm of school days. But now
with free time in abundance, “stuff” has come to claim it all. All of a
sudden there are fishing poles poking out from behind closet doors
begging to be used, games to try (that hadn’t yet been opened from
Christmas time) and invitations showing up in our mailbox for play
dates. And there’s more critical “stuff” too – like the fact that all of
a sudden it occurred to me that my son’s pants don’t fit.

Have I been sending that poor thing to school in high-water pants?

O well, this is a good week to do some “stuff” – like go to Old Navy and restock on khaki’s that actually cover his socks.

Where did the time go? Thursday, how did you get here? We needed a break and you and your pal “stuff” are stealing it from us!

And. . .even though Spring break didn’t bring any “stuff” that
offered us a break – it did bring us of the best “stuff” after all.

Being together.

What’s going on at your house?