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Thank You, My Friends

Jun 15, 2010

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pHey Ya’ll,br
Just wanted to pop in to say Hello today and to thank you for being a
part of this community. I hope that it’s as fun for you as it is for me
to chat and dialogue about everything from the mildly ridiculous (hair,
snakes, etc) to the vastly practical (recipes, decorating,
relationships, etc) and the monumentally spiritual (quiet time,
surrender, etc). No matter what the topic, I’m energized each day by our
conversation and look forward to reading your comments every chance I
get. It’s so neat to put names with “voices” and hear from those of you
who’ve we’ve connected with along the way./p
pToday, while the boys were playing in one of the play areas at our local
mall, one of my sons caught me checking in on you on my iphone. Totally
distressed that he didn’t have my undivided attention (aren’t they
always), he ran over and asked me what I was doing. Without one ounce of
hesitation, I responded, “Just checking in on my friends”./p
pGot me thinking later on in the day about you. About how you are,
indeed, my friends. We are sisters in Christ along for a journey and for
some reason the Lord has allowed our paths to cross and our hearts to
be knitted over some conversations right here in cyber space. I hope you
feel the sisterhood (and brotherhood for you few brave brothers who
join us). . not just on the blog but from our ministry as a whole. From
the weekly devotionals we post, to the Bible studies I write and messages
I study to give, my hope is that you’ll grow in the Lord and be
encouraged in your walk with Him./p
pSo thanks for joining me on the journey. Having friends like you makes
it a bit easier!/p
pBless you today,br