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Week 6 Winners

Aug 21, 2011

Happy Monday.

I wish I could chat with you via video today.  That certainly was my intention but, as I write, I’m stuck in an airport waiting on my flight from NYC to take off and leave for Dallas.  I had a great weekend at The Brooklyn Tabernacle where the amazing Jim Cymbala pastors a dynamic gathering of believers.  It was fabulous!

(Jackson and Jerry Jr with Pastor Jim Cymbala)

I have a mind, right here at the gate in LaGuardia airport, to whip out my video camera and talk straight to you right here amongst all of these travelers (might tweak some of their interest about our Resolution Revolution) but mostly I think they’ll all just be mad that I’m talking so loudly into a camera while we are all crowded into this small space. 

And . . . “crowded” is just the right word. 

Every seat is filled in this boarding area.  People are chomping at the bit to board the plane and get to Dallas and yet, we’ve just been informed that the flight is delayed.  So, here we are – crowded, tired – all the things that can easily spin off into frustration and down right irritation. 

Hmmmmm . . . might be a good time to be “Resolved to Live with Grace”.

(Ok . . . I know that was kind of corny but just hang with me.)

Think about it: the boarding area I’m in right now might not be too unlike your home – maybe a bit too crowded, small in size and prone to making you a bit tired when you think about managing it all.  Quite possibly, without your resolve to be graceful in your choices, conduct and attitude toward others, it could easily become a brewing place for frustration and irritation.

But, not with you living there – a woman resolved to dispense grace, ease her expectations, pour on the mercy and kill with kindness. 

You are that woman! A woman with grace!

Thank you for joining me this week and taking the challenge that our resolution on Friday presented.  I want you to take the next few days to really consider the ways you can show grace to those around you and make your home a place that is welcome – not because of the décor or the expense but because it is filled with the warmth and peace that can only come as God’s grace is seen through you. (Yes, it is possible even in small, crowded spaces.)

I loved choosing this week’s 8 winners.  Please email us at info@goingbeyond.com and we will get one of our great gifts to you asap! We’ll look forward to hearing from you!


Congratulations to:

The4LeeGirls – Tshirt winner

Katyana – Tshirt Winner

MikaBoo – Liz Curtis Higgs book Embrace Grace

Mrs.Ritz – Tshirt Winner

Rachel Temple – Tshirt winner

Katie – Blanket winner

Moheem Lombard – Tshirt winner

Heather – Courageous Living


I also want all of you to know that I heard you loud and clear about the book club idea! Let’s do it, shall we? I’ll devise a plan and then get back to you shortly on when we will begin and how we will proceed.  It will be fun to interact with you about what you are reading, answer any questions you may have and encourage you in your resolution journey!

Glad you are up for it.

Have a great day my friend and I’ll see you tomorrow. Same time. Same place!
