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What Can a Donkey Teach You?

Priscilla | May 01, 2015

I’m a fan of Rachel Anne Ridge.

Plain and simple!

Priscilla, Flash, RachelYou may already know her quite well. She’s my sweet friend and neighbor who I happen to talk quite a bit about around here. She’s been a gift from God to my life for so many reasons – not the least of which is that she’s the one who started the Going Beyond Ministries blog several years ago.

Yup, that’s right. The only reason we even have a place like this to chat with you is because this gorgeous gal took it upon herself to get the wheels turning on the whole operation.

Her posts are still in heavy rotation. 🙂

But, it is her own blog that has captured the eyes and ears of thousands of women. Her incredible prose coupled with the heartfelt stories she crafts, hold the hands of her readers and takes them on refreshing journeys of hope. She’s just gifted that way – whether on paper or in real life.

Flash Book CoverWhich is why I’ve been her biggest cheerleader. Egging her on to write a book. And guess what, SHE DID!

You will not want to miss this one, sister. Seriously, it is warm and deep and funny and engaging all at the same time. You’ll love every page and be quietly disgruntled when it comes to an end – itching for another offering from this gifted writer.

Today, as her book launches, I thought it be fun to let you hear from my sweet girlfriend and also have an opportunity to win an autographed copy of her book!

To enter, after you’ve enjoyed Rachel’s post below:

  • Leave a comment below telling us of an unusual way that God has spoken to you.  For Rachel, it was through Flash the donkey.
  • Then share this post on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #FlashTheDonkey
  • Be sure to leave your email address along with your comment so that we may contact you if you win!  

Winners will be selected next Tuesday.




The look of surprise and confusion on people’s faces when they hear me say, “My book is about a donkey,” is something I’ve come to expect by now. I mean, a donkey, right?? I really don’t blame them!”Is it a children’s book?” is often the next question I hear.

No, it’s actually a true story…about a donkey…and about a God who is able to use anything in the world to reach out to us. He can even use a shaggy, homeless creature with big ears, a loud bray and some strong opinions!

I love that Priscilla is so much a part of this story. You’ll see her here and there in the pages of the book. She and I once dragged my lovesick Flash home from a midnight rendezvous with a neighbor’s beautiful horse. What an adventure that was! We pushed and pulled and bribed and begged him to come home, but he would. not. leave. his lady friend. That’s when Priscilla had the brilliant idea to drop the rope and pretend to walk away.

Priscilla and Flash

“Maybe he’ll just follow us,” she said, perspiration dripping from her forehead. Oh, did I mention it was like, 110 degrees outside? (This is what friends do for friends…they help drag their donkeys home!)Sure enough, when we dropped the rope and walked away, Flash followed along behind as if it was his own idea all along.We had a great laugh over Flash’s escapade, but afterward, God spoke to both Priscilla and I in different ways. She shared about it in the Bible study, Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed, and it was a powerful word from Psalm 32:9. Many of you probably remember it! Suddenly, the scripture was absolutely alive, because Flash had illustrated it so perfectly.

See, this little old donkey has become a tool in the hands of an amazing God. Flash reminds me that, if God can use a donkey in such a mighty way, He can most certainly use me and you.Our God specializes in taking the ordinary and making it EXTRAordinary. The overlooked…and making it a beacon for all to see.

The underestimated…and making it exceedingly abundant.

The unworthy…and crowning it with honor.

Flash Book CoverThat’s what my donkey book* is about. And in the process of living it and writing it, I’ve been changed by our incredible God. I’ve learned to listen and to look for God in the interruptions and the inconveniences and the everyday moments. I’ve learned to see His hand in conversations, and in plans gone awry, and in donkeys who show up out of nowhere.

Are you watching? Are you listening?

God is actively working all around you.

Don’t miss Him!

With love, Rachel (and Flash!)

*Don’t forget to enter your comment below to win a copy of the book!