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Aug 02, 2011

I’ve got to tell you that this months Jewelry Box article could not have been more fitting for some things I have been processing these past few weeks. If you haven’t read it, I encourage you to stop right here and read it. 

Honestly, if there’s one thing that God has been speaking to me this month it’s this: who and what are your priorities?

As a single girl in her later twenties, there are tons of things I can give my time to throughout the week. On the one hand, it’s a blessing to have the free time to organize my schedule as I please. But on the other hand, I don’t want to be doing things just to be doing them. I want to specifically do exactly what it is that God has called me to for this season. Nothing more and nothing less. And I want to do them well. 

I feel as though our tendancy, no matter our age, is to fill up our time with all these different people and activities. When we are operating out of what God is asking of us, we feel depleted and unsatisfied. I am determined that this is not the way I’m going to live.

So, I want to make a commitment to myself. And I want you to do the same. After reading these encouraging words from Priscilla, I’ve come to a conclusion. God has specifically called me to certain things in THIS season of life.

These are my “boxes”:

1. Himself – obvious, I know. But I really feel like I need to work on shifting my focus throughout all that I do to be completely Kingdom focused. Learning how to live out of a place of loving God and loving people.

2. My job – I am so very privileged to say that I love what I “do” for a living – it is not something to be taken granted for but to fully engage in all that he has for the ministry

3. Community – God is calling me into deeper relationships. To really allow those that love me to FULLY know me. No more living for myself, but living for those that I love. My time is not my own and I want to allow others into every part of who I am.

4. Family – God is doing a lot in my family right now, and I want to be fully engaged. We have been through some challenging times lately, but I fully believe that more freedom is yet to come, and I want to be present as much as I can be.

5. Extra – doing things throughout the week that are different from the “norm” and bring joy to my life: running, reading, writing, playing music etc. I’m learning I have to create time and space for these things or else I will burn out of all the others.

So that’s me. I have a long way to go, but that’s the conclusion I’ve come to at this point.

I’m curious: what are your “boxes”? What are the things that you feel you need to be filling and putting first in your life?
