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Priscilla | Apr 11, 2010


Church was amazing yesterday. I was at my home church – the same church I’ve attended since I was one year old. The familiar faces, worship style and incredible teaching were refreshing and comforting. I’ve long been amazed by the beauty of the diversity within the body of Christ.

It thrills Jerry and me to travel and see the Church in its various forms and differences. It is breathtaking and enthralling – this one body with all of these moving parts. And yet, there is something peaceful, welcoming and refreshing about your own church, don’t you think?

Your home.

Where you know the rhythm of the service and the mood of the program. Where you are welcomed by recognizable friends and loved ones. Where a 1 1/2 hour service is liable to turn into a brunch date with another family that spills into an evening get together at your home. A place where people stand when it’s time to welcome the visitors, and you’re the one who helps the newcomer to feel at ease. Where the first note of the choir’s selection sends you straight to your feet with hands raised – because you know what’s coming next.It’s home. It’s church. It’s my church. I love it.

What do you love about yours?
