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The Great BIG T-Shirt Giveaway

Sep 26, 2010

Ok so we have been getting many comments and emails about you ladies wondering where you can get a Going Beyond t-shirt. So we decided that it’s time to give away a t-shirt on the blog today. 

So here’s how you can enter to win a t-shirt. Leave a comment with the following information:

1. Tell us how many t-shirts you currently have in your drawers/closet. (Let’s be honest, I have WAY too many t-shirts that I’ve been holding on to for years and need to get rid of them. In fact, I’m going to do that very thing this weekend and give them to Goodwill)

2. Post your name and the city that you live in

We will post the winner tomorrow so be sure to check back in to see if you’ll be receiving our snazzy GB tshirt!

Good luck ladies!


P.S. To see a picture of the t-shirt, click on this link and scroll down a little ways. You’ll see a picture of Paige and Melissa wearing the black Going Beyond t-shirts