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Unexpected Blessin’s

May 03, 2011

Yesterday was my last full day out of town and I got to go to Kairos, the Tuesday night worship service at Brentwood Baptist in Nashville. Imagine my surprise when none other than Anthony Evans was on the worship team! He has moved to Dallas but I had to go to Nashville to see him! ha! It was such a happy little blessing.

Pete Wilson, author of “Plan B” was the guest speaker and he talked about what happens when life doesn’t go exactly as you envisioned that it would. One of the statements he made really jumped out at me. He said,

“Don’t ever abandon your God-given values for your God-given dreams.”

‘Nother blessing.

And the final blessing of the night was this:

Carrot cake at J. Alexander’s. Now, THAT just blessed me right down to my toes!

Any unexpected blessings come your way lately???
