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Ask an Expert

Rachel Anne | Apr 27, 2010


Priscilla’s rosebushes are looking a little sad.

While every other knock out rosebush in Texas is blooming like crazy, the ones by her driveway seem a bit half-hearted in their attempts to produce their big spring bloom. Their leaves are sparse and the petals aren’t nearly as fully developed as they should be.

“What do you think is the problem?” she asked me the other day. She was eying the show-stopping roses in front of my house. “You’re the rose expert! Tell me what’s wrong with them.”

“Oh no, I’m no expert,” I said. “Don’t let these big bushes fool you. These are the last two remaining rosebushes that I haven’t killed. They require no special care and seem to thrive on neglect! If you want my opinion, I think your little guys aren’t getting enough sun, but you really should ask a REAL expert – our friend, Bridgette.”

Bridgette is an experienced gardener who knows an awful lot about plants. Her rose garden is looking spectacular this spring and she could probably give an informed diagnosis. But even Bridgette goes to people with more plant expertise than she has when she has a question. She goes to a lady named Vicki, who is a RENOWNED expert on north Texas horticulture. Vicki knows every plant, soil type, specimen, disease, fungus and leaf – backward and forward, up and down . . . and then some.

I’m glad we have people, like Bridgette and Vicki, who have the knowledge we need to become proficient gardeners. They are generous enough to share their expertise with us gardener wannabe’s because they simply love gardening . . . and love to see others catch on.

Likewise, when I have a question about my faith, I’m really glad to have experts in my life that I can take my issues to. My pastor, my Bible Study leaders, Priscilla . . . each has studied the Word of God and can offer guidance and help along the way. But each one will readily point me to The Expert – the One who knows my problems and questions backward and forward, up and down . . . and then some. He is the source of all truth, and he generously shares it in His manual, God’s word.

Do you have people in your life that can help you out when things aren’t blooming like they should? If they are the kind that share their knowledge, and then point you to The Expert, then you are indeed blessed. God not only knows your problems and questions – backward and forward, up and down . . . and then some, but He has the solutions to get you back on the right track.

Ask The Expert.
