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A Little Heat

Dec 14, 2011

I went to the beauty salon yesterday to get my hair straightened. It’s a rare occurrence for me to straighten these strands of mine. Normally, I’ve got a head full of curly Q’s that make me look like a lion getting ready to attack. But every year in the cold winter months, I’ll submit myself to the electric hot combs and flat irons of a beautician just for the fun of it. 

I’ve talked a bit about my hair before here and here. Filled you in on how funny it is to me and the girls in the office that we often get questions sent to our ministry about hair. We try to answer them (while finding an angle to connect the topic to a bigger spiritual principle 🙂 ) but yesterday a connection actually occurred to me with very little effort. 

I was sitting in the chair and it was hot. I mean Regina, my stylist, had a blow dryer going and then a flat iron and pressing comb and then a curling iron to give me a little body. Smoke swirled around us like we were in an infermo. I had flashbacks of being a little girl and sitting near the kitchen stove while my mother worked a scorching comb through my kinks but oddly. . . I just don’t remember this much smoke. 

Regina had to open us the salon door just to let some of it out and a bit of fresh air in. I fanned my face to keep from sweating (can’t let sweat turn my freshly pressed hair back) and unzipped my jacket.

Heat. Smoke.


And yet, there was a pretty nice result for all that firey activity.

Yup. . . it took a lot of heat to straighten all this stuff out.

And. . . sometimes it takes a lot of heat to straighten out the kinks in my heart and soul, too. Life sure does get hot somtimes – trials and “issues” arise giving us a run for our money. We’re a bit put out and uncomfortable and wish that it could all be over sooner than later. But, somehow, when we emerge we find that we’ve been “straightened out” a bit. Even the most rebellious kinks in our character get smoothed over by the heat that God often allows. 


Bring on the heat.

Certainly, don’t want it all the time, but when it comes we can expect that the result will be something quite nice. 

Thank you Lord.

Cooling off,


P.S. Click here for a little fun chat with Miss Beth Moore about hair!