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Abiding in the Shadow

Oct 28, 2010

He who dwells in the shelter of the Most Highwill abide in the shadow of the Almighty. Ps. 91:1

I’ve been thinking about abiding in His shadow lately.

My kids used to play a game that they thought was fun, called “Step on Mommy’s Shadow.” They would hop and run alongside me while I tried to dodge and weave away. Their little feet would land on my shadow and they would squeal in delight at this game. To play, they had to pull in real close to me, anticipate my next move and then be ready to move with me in order to stay in my shadow. I could hardly take a single step without practically tripping on them – they were that close!

Kinda like how we should be – in God’s shadow.

Pulled in close.

Looking for His every movement.

Being ready to move with Him.

In John 15, Jesus paints a picture of abiding as a vine and a branch – we are the branches and He is the vine. We get our life from Him. He is in us and we are in Him. Apart from Him we can do nothing – for in Him we live and move and have our being (Acts 17:28)

Are you abiding today? Draw in close, pull up tight to Him – so close and tight that you are in His shadow. Let His very life flow into you and through you as you go through your day. Abiding is trusting, obeying and living in the power of His Spirit.

Pulling in close,


What are your thoughts on “abiding?”